
Dr. Victor Chen

Associate Professor of International Management

Belk College of Business

University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC

Business/tech partners are tech-intensive innovation teams from business organizations. These partners may be pre-seed commercial labs, tech startups, or new business development teams at corporations. They will develop a preliminary Business Model Canvas that needs to be refined and contextualized into a global market. After a preliminary consultancy with the instructor, they are also responsible to select the foreign market and the strategic tasks before joining the GTL program. Each partner will meet with their entrepreneurial leaders multiple times during the program, and are often committed to offering rewards or career support for successful teams. 

Entrepreneurial leaders are current business students who have completed prerequisites in business basics (e.g., marketing, management, entrepreneurship, etc.). Entrepreneurial leaders are responsible for the assessment of the global opportunities and risks for Business/tech partners, as well as developing a foreign entry strategic plan. Students currently enrolled in MGMT3275-002 and MBAD6197 (only sections taught by Dr. Victor Chen) are automatically qualified to serve as entrepreneurial leaders. 

Please submit the application form in the beginning of your course.
Global virtual team partners are competitively selected business students based on professional experiences, course works, and the proficiency of professional English from international universities. They collaborate with the Entrepreneurial leaders for eight weeks to design and execute field works in the markets targeted by Business/tech partners. 

Interested in being a global virtual team partner? Please contact Dr. Chen.


Siemens Energy Incorporated

Contact: Matthew Bryan, Head of Digital Portfolio Management

The proposed project is an AI and digital twin platform to be incubated in a global market. The value proposition is providing an easy to operate and maintain artificial intelligence platform that is cyber secure at a fair price while taking away the need to develop one or purchasing an artificial intelligence platform designed for banking or e-commerce. The pain killers: 1) reduced investment in technology and software development 2) Low implementation investment. 3) Globally availability. 4) Reduce the amount of upskilling needed to use Artificial Intelligence platforms. 5) Standardize APIs are already developed. 6) Package Management made easy.

Target market: Germany


Contact: Dr. Margaret Kocherga, Founder and CEO

We have a unique technology platform, that we continue to expand and refine based on customer feedback. Our proprietary technology sets us apart in fundamental functions while ensuring compatibility with manufacturing equipment for a smooth transition.

Our primary target market is in Asia. It is very hard to sell B2B. We would like to explore rather unknown for our concept of trading companies through which business is usually done there. We would like to focus our attention on learning how this process is executed, who are the key players, and how sustainable that business model is in comparison to having a local presence.

Target markets: Japan, China, and South Korea

Major awards: National Science Foundation I-Corps Grant, NC IDEA Micro, Department of Energy Grant, National Science Foundation SBIR/STTR Phase I


Partners' Programs

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